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TA-65® can reduce immunosenescent CD8+CD28- T cells in humans

TA-65® can reduce immunosenescent CD8+CD28- T cells in humans

As we age, our immune system changes. This so-called immune senescence increases our susceptibility to tumors and viral diseases, among other things.
It has already been significantly demonstrated in a much larger study that TA-65® reduces the number of immune senescent cells in healthy individuals.

CD8(+) T cells play an important role in fighting tumors and viral infections by eliminating these tumor and virus-infected cells from our body. The T cell surface protein CD28 is involved in the activation of these CD8(+) T cells.
A strong CD28 signal tells the CD8(+) T cell that there is danger and that an immune response must be initiated immediately. However, this CD28 expression decreases with age. Regardless of age, chronic infections and autoimmune diseases lead to such a CD28(+) decrease or CD28(-) increase. This is why CD8(+)CD28(+) T cells are among the best “AGING MARKERS”.

Another study has now investigated whether TA-65® has positive effects on senescent CD8(+)CD28(-) T cells, i.e. whether it can reduce the number of CD28(-) T cells. And indeed, this was demonstrated in a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled study with 500 healthy volunteers after only 9 months:
With daily intake of 100 and 250 units of TA-65®, CD8(+)CD28(-) T cells decreased by 28 cells/ul and with daily intake of 500 units of TA-65®, CD8(+)CD28(-) T cells decreased by 22 cells/ul.
In contrast, placebo administration led to further cell aging after these 9 months with an increase in CD8(+)CD28(-) T cells by 4.38 cells/μl.
This shows that oral intake of TA-65® significantly reduces CD8(+)CD28(-) T cells and thus leads to better immune defense.
Read the study here (engl.)
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